Irish Ships and Shipping


Click on photos for full picture:

Fishing vessel Mater Dei
(DA 66 )
entering Skerries harbour in 2007.
©Noel Fynes 2013
  Irish Customs Cutter
Rosslare 21/22-8-11
Derry Walsh
Tall ships depart Waterford
4th. July 2011
Derry Walsh
A view of Dublin's
North City quay taken on the 15th. May 2011.
Derry Walsh.
Cill Airne
Floating bar, restaurant. 
Former Cork Harbour tender and Marine collage training ship.
Jeanie Johnson
Tall ship and famine musuem.
Dublin port River taxi
Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11 Lightship Granuaile at Rosslare 26-3-11
Celtic Voyager at Rosslare 8-9-10
Granuaile -Rosslare
©Derry Walsh
Granuaile -Rosslare
©Derry Walsh
Granuaile -Rosslare
©Derry Walsh
Celtic Voyager
©Derry Walsh
Celtic Voyager
©Derry Walsh
Granuaile -Rosslare
©Derry Walsh
Celtic Voyager and Granuaile
©Derry Walsh
  Lightship Granuaile II
Rosslare 21-2-10
Lightship Granuaile II
Rosslare 21-2-10
Lightship Granuaile II
Rosslare 21-2-10
Lightship Granuaile II
Rosslare 21-2-10
Irish Customs vessel
Rosslare 21-2-10

East link Toll bridge lifts to allow Dublin port tug Cluain Tarbh to pass through. 
Also passing under are the pilot boat no.1 and the Sea Safari Rib on its way out to the bay.

3rd.November 2006 ©Aiden McCabe 2006



    Irish Customs vessel 
16th.June 2006 ©Derry Walsh 2006
Cork Harbour Cutter Cork pilot.jpg Dublin port pilot Dublin port pilot
Dublin port tug Delginis. Jennie Johnson   Decommissioned Lightship Kittywake.   Rosslare lifeboat and relief boat 2006.  



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